What Is Reiki?

Reiki (霊気) “Rei” means god’s wisdom,spirit, miraculous, divine. “Ki” means life force energy, breath of life, consciousness. This ancient practice is a form of hands-on energy healing in which the practitioner channels the universal life force energy from The Source to create peace, harmony, and balance within the body.

The result is similar to reaching the still point during meditation. This is the moment when one’s brain is ‎synchronized in the alpha or theta state to become left-right brain harmonized, which induces a deep level of relaxation and peace. This frees the mind from the fight-or-flight mindset caused by everyday stresses and into a natural state of relaxation where the eternal Divine presence resides and true inner healing occurs.

How Does Reiki Work?

One of the chief benefits of Reiki is that the receiver doesn’t need years of practicing meditation to experience a similar state of bliss, relaxation, and healing.

Reiki has the power to heal holistically, for your mind, body, and spirit simultaneously.

Reiki is gentle and connected to a higher intelligence that can simply heal for your highest good and achieve true personal growth.

Reiki can also be done remotely, and it is not confined by the current timeline, allowing the healer to deliver healing to clients remotely, as well as deliver healing to heal the past, present, and future.

Reiki is available to anyone willing to experience its healing power, Reiki can also be learned by anyone with a desire to self-heal and teach. It is pure light and can not be used to cause harm.


How Can you Benefit from Reiki?

Whether you are looking to achieve general well-being, relaxation, enhance treatment of any medical conditions, or for spiritual growth, Reiki can support and elevate you to:

  • Find deep relaxation to naturally bring about homeostasis and healing from within.

  • Cleanses the body from toxins and supports the immune system.

  • Heal infections, inflammation and can be a great addition to cancer treatments.

  • Compliment other medical treatments and therapies. Physical healing is supported and accelerated and a reduction in pain is often achieved.

  • Manage pain in acute and chronic conditions. Many people use regular reiki for back pain and muscle aches with great success. 

  • Compliment surgery recovery, hospice care, and special needs persons, as well as children.

  • Connect to an intelligent force. The energy of Reiki travels where it is needed the most, in the moment when healing takes place.

  • Aid with insomnia.

  • Heal emotional trauma, addiction, and depression

  • Elevate your vibration and promote higher self-awareness in connecting with your inner true self and with a higher spiritual power.

Please Note: Reiki is a relaxation and stress reduction technique. Reiki practitioners do not diagnose or prescribe substances, nor do they interfere with treatment of a licensed medical professional.  Please consult your physicians prior to deciding using Reiki as the SOLE treatment for your condition.

What Does Reiki Feel Like?

Reiki going into the physical body through the reiki practitioners hands feels different for each person, you may experience some or all of these sensations listed below. 

  • Tingling or other physical sensations in the area of the body being treated or being intelligently  healed.

  • Hot or cold spots where the practitioners hands are placed at that moment. 

  • Heating or Cooling on the entire body, like a flushing out sensation.

  • Seeing colors, spots, angels, past over loved ones, past lives, or other visions.

  • Hearing or knowing divine intelligent information or advice for healing.